da grigio a verde
'Da grigio a verde', part of the 'Regreening Bolzano' initiative, is a project that focuses on involving residents, associations, and park users to make the Piani neighbourhood of Bolzano greener.
Von Grau Zu Grün
Climate change is leading to both an increase and intensification of heatwaves. We are observing a sharp rise in the manifestations of severe weather events, including storms and droughts. These alterations present significant challenges for our planet and its inhabitants.

A pilot project for Bolzano
The 'Regreening Bolzano' initiative is trying to address these issues in a small scale in Bolzano by improving the Premstallerhof area. The pilot project aims to show the importance of more greenery and biodiversity in the city of Bolzano. It seeks to be a model and prepare the ground for future projects that strengthen the city's resilience to climate change.
Let's work all together to make Piani a better place for everyone!
Engaging community
'Da grigio a verde' is working on engaging the local community, which is essential for the initiative's long-term success and sustainability. By understanding the residents' needs, involving them in planning, and fostering a sense of ownership, we can ensure the initiative not only revitalizes the area but also strengthens community bonds.
To make this happen, we organized an event to work together with the community. Our main activity, 'Immaginiamo insieme,' invited neighbours to share ideas for improving the asphalt area through an interactive moderated session with a 3D map of the space.

Event outcome

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Help us make the Piani neighbourhood greener!
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